If you are enquiring about a puppy or upcoming litter please answer the questionnaire below. There are no "right' answers - but honesty is everything. We want to make sure one of our puppies is well suited to your lifestyle. They are perfect in our eyes but we are well aware that they are not for everyone.
This initial form is mostly to communicate information about the breed and ourselves but it is much appreciated if you reply to our initial email so we know if you are interested in a pup from us still or alternatively will be looking elsewhere.
If you would like to know more about our process for selecting homes and what the process looks like getting a pup from us more information can be found here
You are welcome to enquire about price but please do not try to negotiate. We try offer an accurate approximate price - BUT if a bit of time has elapsed since you last contacted us our puppy price may have changed especially if any of our costs have increased between litters (eg vet services like BAER testing are offered by limited vets so when these vets either stop offering the service or change what veterinary hospital they are contracted with we may see a change in the price for these tests) We would be lucky to break even on our actual costs even when things go perfectly to plan (health testing, progesterone testing, whelping, stud fee, food, vaccinations, micro-chipping and worming) and I would hate to add up the number of unpaid hours we put into our litters! Well-bred puppies are not "cheap" because we invest heavily into our dogs, breedings and our puppy raising to produce healthy , resilient and smart companions!
We will reply to your email as soon as we can but please give us a week or two - sometimes we are away competing or camping with our dogs and sometimes life just gets in the way. As ANKC registered breeders, our dogs are our hobby NOT our business and we both work full time jobs which sometimes involves overtime and crazy shift hours! Please don't be disheartened if you don't get an immediate reply. Ensure you check all you email folders for a reply - Occasionally they may get directed to spam mistakenly.